The Preventive Maintenance You Need to Do on Your Car

Many car owners ignore maintenance until something happens. There’s no need to tell you that this is a bad idea and can reduce your vehicle’s value significantly. Not only this but it can actually drain your budget and mess up your schedule. While everyone agrees that car maintenance is something you shouldn’t ignore, not every car owner will be able to tell you what exactly you need to do in order to keep your four-wheeler running. That said, here are five things you should do to catch anything serious before it becomes a real problem.

Read the owner’s manual

This may seem like a no-brainer but you’d be surprised by how many people never read the manual that comes with their vehicle. Most manuals include a regular maintenance schedule that’ll help you ensure your car stays healthy. Of course, the maintenance you’re supposed to do heavily depends on the state of your car but the manual can provide a good basis. Another thing you’re able to find in your owner’s manual is the type of oil and timing belts you’re supposed to get for your car. Fail to learn about this and you’ll be doing your car a big disservice.

Check the oil

Knowing which oil goes into your car isn’t all of it. Besides identifying the type of oil you should be getting, it’s also important to check and change it on a regular basis. Although there are no rules when it comes to how often you’re supposed to check your oil, doing it on a regular basis is a must. Don’t blindly follow the 3,000 miles myth. Instead, come up with your own schedule and make sure you do it as often as possible. The best part of it is that checking your oil is extremely easy. All you need to know is how to use a dipstick and you’re good to go.

Make sure you’re safe

This is probably the most important part of it all. Although doing any type of car maintenance means you’re less likely to be involved in a car crash, it’s a good idea to focus on things that’ll make you safer while on the road. Obviously, you want to check your tires as often as possible and ensure they don’t break and make you lose control over your vehicle. Another smart thing to do is have experts take a closer look at your airbags and ensure they’re fully functional. Also, check your hoses and buy new AN fittings if it seems necessary.

Change your spark plugs

Spark plugs are one of those things that don’t seem like a big deal but can actually cause some issues with your car. Damaged or worn-out spark plugs can make your engine work less efficiently which leads to some further problems. Number one, you’ll need to spend more money on gas in order to keep your car going which is probably the last thing you want to do. Number two, it can actually lead to a breakdown which is by far a bigger issue. This is why you should either learn how to change your sparkplugs or find a mechanic who’ll do it for you.

Check your battery

One of the best things about the car battery is that it doesn’t require you to do much work. Maintaining your battery is relatively easy as the only thing you need to do keep it clean and identify any potential problems. The most important thing to check is whether there’s mineral or any other type of buildup on the contacts. In case there is, all you need to do is use a battery cleaning brush to get rid of it. Consider buying one and keeping it in your trunk at all times. While you’re at it, getting a battery tester can also be a good idea.

Unless you’re a car enthusiast, maintain your vehicle probably seems like a daunting task. Still, doing all the things covered in this post means you’ll have to spend less time and money on car repair and have more enjoyable moments on the road.